In 2011, the Minister for Education and Skills published Literacy and Numeracy for Learning and Life: The National Strategy to Improve Literacy and Numeracy among Children and YoungPeople 2011- 2020 after a comprehensive consultation process.
The strategy sets targets for improving literacy and numeracy standards to be achieved by the year 2020.

Coláiste an Chreagáin currently has a vibrant team of teachers dedicated to embedding the directions and recommendations of the National Strategy for Literacy and Numeracy for Learning and Life (2011-2020).
Coláiste an Chreagáin acknowledges that a key element of equal education opportunities provision is the fostering of good literacy and numeracy skills which are essential to the life prospects of each person and vital for the quality and equity of Irish society. We are committed to raising the standards of literacy and numeracy of our students in order that each student will master these crucial skills to the best of his/her ability. Regular events and campaigns are organised during the school year. English teachers are involved with targeted Reading Campaigns, Poetry Workshops, Public Speaking and Presentations in Junior cycle as well as a print rich environment. Maths teachers engage in Maths Week to celebrate Numeracy in school as well as a numeracy rich environment. Junior Cycle is paving the way for increased awareness of the importance of literacy and numeracy among our Junior students. Cross curricular links are also being well exploited. Coláiste an Chreagáin is involved in reflective practice and annual self-assessment in order to monitor the success of our initiatives and to highlight areas for improvement.