Coláiste an Chreagáin

Principal's Message


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Principal's Address

May I extend a warm welcome to all our new students and staff for this academic year 2024/2025. Coláiste an Chreagáin has a proud tradition of academic excellence in several educational programmes, while also supporting student interests across a range of extracurricular activities.

As part of a wider local community, Coláiste an Chreagáin students are encouraged to develop themselves not only as strong individuals but also as members of a strong school community; embracing citizenship and taking their place among a vibrant and often challenging society.

As members of an inclusive school community including students, parents, BOM and GRETB; the staff of Coláiste an Chreagáin will continue to promote excellence in teaching and learning, while promoting 21st century skills for all students.

We encourage all our students to achieve their potential, and we support and nurture them in the pursuit of this goal. Every student is unique, has different qualities and talents and we encourage them to be the best they can be. High academic standards, high standards of behaviour, delivered in an atmosphere that is both caring and understanding, make Coláiste an Chreagáin a school that is proud of its past and confident of its future.

Finally, I want to wish all our students and staff well for the year ahead in achieving their personal goals. I look forward to working with you in achieving those goals in the safe and caring environment that is Coláiste an Chreagáin.

Ms. Teresa Silke

Acting Principal

Coláiste an Chreagáin.

17 2025
Mid Term Break
26 2025
School Closed for Students (JCT Whole School Staff Training Day)
17 2025
Bank Holiday
27 2025
Parent Teacher Meeting (3rd & 6th Year students)
Contact Us
Coláiste an Chreagáin
Co. Galway

090 9679231

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© 2025 Coláiste an Chreagáin